Issue 5: Call for Submissions
/Alfredo Jaar, A Logo for America, 1998/2014, billboard.
Our Issue 5 prompt is live:
CARTOGRAPHIES: Mapping the Unmappable / Mapeando lo intrazable
Cartography is the study and practice of mapping: charting or bringing together a set of elements or qualities according to an ideal, formula, or model (conceptually, diagrammatically, and socially).
Consider how spaces, ways of movement, experiences, and routes become entangled in forms of knowledge production. Many mapping projects present social imaginaries, determining topographies and social structures of power which lead to alternative imaginations of space, place, and the body.
What can cartographies do in social, visual, and textual imaginaries? This prompt is intended to be a point of departure and responses are invited to take the form of written or visual work.
Proposals are due on Thursday, June 15 at midnight.